Last Saturday I was passing through London when I saw something quite strange near Buckingham Palace. There were lots of people moving around, placing things here and there, and a man with a megaphone who seemed to be randomly barking orders. After a bit, my curiosity took the better of me and I went to see what was going on. It turned out to be a set for a film that will be released in the future!

At my time there, I stood and watched in awe as I got to see the behind the scenes of how films really work – and as an avid film enthusiast it was amazing to watch. Over the course of hour and a half I was there, between all the safety checks and getting ready (as this scene was a stunt), only one scene got filmed! It just makes you truly appreciate the art of film, how such a short scene can have so much work put into it.

Furthermore, near the beginning of my viewing experience, people seemed obsessed over a man that had arrived on set. Being quite short, I couldn’t quite see who it was but after a while the crowd said his name enough times for me to realise who it was – our Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.

Straight away, I got my camera out shocked and amazed. What made me the most surprised was that it made me realise that whatever was being filmed was probably quite a high-budget movie, for our Prime Minister to come over and watch. Unfortunately though, the security were not able to tell us what the film actually was.

Overall, this unintended experience was actually quite amazing and if you do ever see a film set where you are, I highly recommend you stick around and watch – because it’s a highly interesting experience! Maybe with a bit of luck, you may even see your favourite actors!