I’m sure many of you exercise often and regularly, most likely in a last-ditch effort to get rid of a few layers or for my fellow students, getting into shape for the dreaded beep test. Yet no matter how popular walking to improve mental health may seem on social media, nobody who I have talked to has ever walked to improve their mental health but only either for personal gains or being forced to take the long route. This is why recently I have started walking from my school to Wallington High street focusing on my life, my surroundings and my opinions on others and myself. And I am quite impressed by the results, I feel like a new person!

In fact, I am more happy than ever, excited to engage in social situations rather than avoid them by any means possible. I have also noticed quite a few people asking me why I look so happy recently, commenting on how I seem more sensible and even a better person. And in fact I believe this to be because of the tranquility and state of my mind while walking. Keeping my mind free almost seems to be like a blessing, constantly not focusing on TikTok or upcoming tests. Actually thinking about nothing and enjoying yourself is the way to go!

Focusing on the scenery is also another given plus. I have learnt more about my area, the local shops and the friendly nature of shopkeepers and the ever friendly wildlife, especially the squirrels. In fact, I recommend always carrying a few chestnuts whenever you’re at Mellows park in case a hungry customer pops up. They’re always friendly whenever I visit.

Therefore, I recommend walking or any form of exercise, not only to make you look healthy but feel healthy, invigorated and fantastic!