As we approach the new year, we find ourselves contemplating whether we've spent this year in the best way we could or if we could have done better. Nevertheless, as the new year approaches i would like to invite you into a new year where i would encourage you to choose to implement a growth mindset. What is the real meaning of a growth mindset, you may ask? According to google, a growth mindset is defined as 'believing that a person's abilities aren't innate but can be improved through effort, learning, and persistence' Now to breakdown what is being said here, a growth mindset is not constricted to your inner comfortable circle of skills but, rather, to come out of your comfort zone and try new skills that challenge you and develop you as a person. What if i told you that your new habits can be formed by three steps:


Firstly, I want you to cast your mind back to when you were really proud of something. When you felt elated just thinking about it? Don't worry it doesn't have to be something like winning the Nobel Peace prize - although if it is good for you! - it could be something like riding a bike, learning a new skill, learning how to cook/bake your favourite food etc. Now ponder for a moment how long it took you to attain this skill/achievement. A month? A day? 30 minutes? 


Secondly, I am presuming when i asked you what you were really proud of, you instantly thought about something that made you feel purposeful. Something that brought you a considerate amount of joy and full of all those good chemicals like dopamine. Now what if i told you that you are more than capable of doing it again. And again! Of course that is more easier said than done. My advise to you is that self-discipline is something you have to stay consistent with, something that flows like the clouds drifting across the sky. According to James Clear, it takes more than two months before a new habit becomes automatic. Even if you spend 2 minutes per day on those new years resolutions, it will be way better than nothing. I would advise you to not write your resolutions out by generically stating : 'To do list', but rather a 'To Be:' list. This is a useful tip from the fabulous Shade Zahrai.


Why wait another month, why not start now? If you think the other 12 months will be ample time to complete your goals and to fulfill your 'to be' list, i can assure you, you won't be keen and as disciplined as you are now. Grasp every opportunity and if there is one thing you can take from my article, it is to never let random spikes of motivation control your endeavoring attempt to improve your already flourishing sense of self. I will end with a quote from Kevin Durant:

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't hard work"