Since the beginning of time, art has existed and been used in many ways. It could be used to articulate someone's thoughts or feelings, you could recognise a culture by looking at their style of clothing, the songs they may sing or the way that they dance. Art is an expression of emotion and I want to talk about Art Therapy and how it can help you.


Art inspires people, it's a phenomenon meaning it's something that can be seen or felt and it’s sometimes unusual or new, which can trigger our emotions. You can use art for self-expression. Art can provide you with a platform so your voice can be heard. By using art to validate self-expression, you are building resilience and helping yourself authentically connect to others. Expressing your feelings can be difficult so take small steps and don't rush.


Recognising your strengths and weaknesses is the most important thing you can do in life . Pinpointing our strengths and weaknesses is not always easy; so I have found a few methods that can help you develop your qualities.


My most common observation is that people reflect on their past experiences. Think about something you might have said or done at school or at home that was wrong. Doing this can help identify places where you excelled and places where you can improve. Approaching your problems with a positive mindset is one of the best things you could do. Never be negative while facing your problems. Insecurity, depression, and anxiety produce negativity, but there is one way to deal with negativity without spreading it. Keep your emotions in check. Obviously you have a right to feel how you feel but don't lash out. Think logically and navigate through negative situations mindfully.


Now remember Art Therapy is not about becoming the greatest artist. It's about expressing yourself and healing from bad experiences. A blank canvas has infinite possibilities so use that to your advantage.