The Arctic is Changing. Not a good way - a bad way.

A very bad way.

Arctic sea ice has declined by a shocking 13% every decade since the 1970s.

At this rate within the next 30-50 years the Arctic summer ice will disappear completely - something unimaginable 20 years ago.

Furthermore, temperatures in the Arctic are rising by 2 times as much as the rest of the world.

Think the summer heatwaves are bad?

Imagine the poor polar bears suddenly having no ice to live on, no prey to survive on and no cool winds left as they have evolved to suit.

Sea level rise is also a large consequence of the melting of the Arctic.

The global sea level is rising by approximately 3 millimeters per year - a shocking height. In the future, coastal areas of many countries won't exist.

Remember the Maldives you always wanted to go to? That is the same Maldives that is at a high risk of sinking.

So, what can I do to help out - to decrease the melting of arctic sea ice as much as I can? - you might ask.

The answer is simple - the ice is melting because of increasing temperatures.

And the temperature is increasing due to the increase in greenhouse gases.

To help, stop driving that diesel car.

Stop the consumption of animals which when farmed release vast amounts of methane.

Boycott celebrities who fly everywhere in their private jet.

Maybe you by yourself won't make much of a difference - imagine if the 8 billion people in the world decided to do this as well.

The arctic would stop melting and we could still save the planet that we have ruined - before its tipping point.

It is through us that this inhumane violation of our own planet will stop.