Society is constantly surrounded by music, whether it be on our phones, the television, or simply, by playing an instrument.

Music is a universal language, where humans can express their feelings, their inner music, through notes that are plucked, hammered, strummed, or even played by using our breath.

Learning how to convey these emotions can lead to improvements in mindfulness, discipline, and patience.

Playing an instrument comes in a package: discipline, patience, and mindfulness.


While learning to play, there will be new rules to follow.

For example, pieces of music must be played at the right tempo, the right rhythm, while considering all purposeful dynamics the composer has embellished in the score.

Every musician must follow these rules when playing or performing a piece.

These rules are difficult and tiring to follow, seeming like a constant spiral of mistakes.

Therefore, one must instil discipline into their practice and have authority over themselves.

By having this authority and control, an individual imprints discipline into their daily lives, whether that be in school or in the workplace.

For example, setting small goals and aiming to achieve them by the end of the week is a form of discipline, which can be practiced daily.

Therefore, this key skill is developed through the wonders of learning an instrument.


Growth is key when learning an instrument, however this development cannot possibly be gained all at once, but in small, manageable steps.

This allows our brains to become comfortable with current information and familiarise ourselves before learning more.

This development will not be shown quickly, but rather in lesser amounts.

This may seem vexing; however, it is the little steps that matter in the long run.

As a result, our patience improves day by day through this learning pattern, which can help during studying for exams, where revision seems like an endless loop of words befuddling our brains.

At that point, taking a deep breath and closing your eyes is the perfect way to practice patience, therefore improving our overall work ethic.

Developing small acts of patience through learning an instrument can become a habit, useful for the many obstacles that life throws at us every day.


By playing instruments, our ears and eyes are constantly recognising diverse types of sounds, notation, improving our comprehension skills.

It urges one to find meaning in the minute details of the piece.

As a result, this helps with finding meaning in things we find almost nonsensical and useless in our lives.

This is an important part of maturing as a person, acknowledging the meaning of the trivial things in life.

The most important reason why learning an instrument can be pivotal, is because of the unexplainable joy it gives you.

As a pianist, playing the piano allows me to release stress, and bottled-up emotions.

It has been a vital aspect of my life, and I cannot imagine my life without it.