Work, School, Parties.

In 2024 - a hectic year full of new innovations, new problems and average sleep times decreasing, our sleep often takes a backseat as try to have fun or to be productive.

Research shows however that a lack of sleep can severely impact our mental health as well as our productivity.

Understanding the impact of our sleep on both is essential to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Sleep is crucial - where growth hormones activate in children and our bodies can replenish themselves, so we feel physically and mentally ready for tomorrow.

It has many benefits including:

The regulation of emotions (we've all been there; waking up cranky and annoyed after a pitiful night's sleep)

Memory consolidation - don't revise instead of sleep kids!

Reducing Cortisol Levels - a hormone linked to fat storage (especially around the stomach)

And so many more benefits; there really is no end to them.

Furthermore, extensive research has shown that sleep and productivity are incredibly interlinked.

By not sleeping well one night, the next day many feel sluggish, unable to concentrate and unable to move.

Even Premier League Clubs know this; teams such as Tottenham Hotspur have sleep monitoring technology as well as extensive collaboration with sleep experts to increase player performance.

Other side effects include decreased cognitive function and less growth in children - who need sleep the most

So how should I sleep better you may ask?

To improve your sleep and wellbeing there are several key things you must do - even doing one wrong could severely impact your bedtime routine.

Go to bed and wake up at the same time daily - allowing your body to get into a daily routine and sleep faster.

Limit Screen Time: Avoid blue light exposure an hour before bed - speaking from experience it takes far longer to sleep after lying with your phone in the bed.

Sleeping in a cool (around 19 degrees Celsius) and dark environment.

Overall, sleep is essential to relax and recharge so you are ready for the next day. By not giving your body rest, you are compromising on your own health.