1. Get yourself a journal that you like.
Find something that will motivate you to write in it.
Spend time decorating it, or get one with a set design.
Some journals have famous art pieces on the cover, so I recommend checking out a local stationary store or a bookstore.
2. Don’t turn it into a job.
As much as sticking to a routine is important and helpful, don't put pressure on yourself to have a scheduled time to journal on the daily.
Pick it up when you feel like it and write about what you like.
I like to think of it as a mini book where I get to control the narrative.
There is also no need to recount every minute of your day each time - it can make journaling feel daunting.
3. Write fearlessly.
Write like nobody but you will ever read it.
A journal over time will become a sentimental piece to look back on but in the present it's an outlet.
Treat it as one, like your closest confidant.
4. Personalise it.
It's important to note here, there is no right way to organise your thoughts in your journal.
Don’t fall into the trap of assuming you need pages and pages of beautiful calligraphy.
You can fill it with photos of your day and annotate your thoughts around it. For instance, a receipt from a dinner you really loved perhaps.
Fill it with poetry or prose or lyrics that nobody but you will see.
5. Work on one journal at a time.
Though some may prefer to have separate journals for separate activities e.g. one for the morning, one for thoughts and another for memories.
But I stand by the belief that it's much more rewarding to take your time filling up one that can express you fully.
The human mind is infinitely complex and at times confusing, so if your journal starts to follow suit, I’d say you’re on the right track. :)
Lastly, take from these tips what you like.
Not everything here will work for you and that’s alright.
The most important thing is to simply put pen to paper.
Photo by Aaron Burden, Unsplash.