On the Friday 18th October St Pauls Cathedral became home to another historic Triennial Service, a tradition that was first initiated on the 20th March 1933, to commemorate the Schools historic relationship with the City of London.
St Pauls Cathedral became filled with parents, students and members of the Merchant Taylors Company and a service led by the St Pauls Cathedral Priest followed. One student described the words of the Priest as ‘touching and heartfelt and a sincere reflection of the Merchant Taylors school community’.
The importance of tradition was revered and the 372 year bond between the City of London and Merchant Taylors School was felt by all of the school community, with one parent adding that ‘It was the second time I have attended a triannual service and I very much enjoyed the service, and feel it is important that the school reflects on its origin and I think the triannual service is an excellent way to do so.’
A deep reflection of the importance of the Merchant Taylors history was displayed in speeches by the Head boy: James Beeby, by the Headmaster along with several other speakers.
For example students who spoke in Spanish, Greek, Italian and Yoruba.
Along with the energetic singing of hymns from both the school choir, parents, students, teachers and members of the Merchant Taylors Company came the ardent playing of instruments from the school orchestra to complement the service, with students having practised diligently for the occasion.
The service culminated with the school song being proudly sung by all members of the school community, and a blessing being given by the Sacrist.
To end the service the Organ Voluntary played rhythmically, and a retiring collection was taken for Phab, a charity that is deeply associated with Merchant Taylors School.