On Thursday the 21st of November, I had the chance to attend Surbiton Highs play, The Addams Family. This play was performed at Wimbledon theatre and was quite an experience.

At 7:30pm the curtains were opened and people were flourishing in and many familiar faces were seen. The seats were all well organised and I believe that from any place you sit you were able to see the stage very clearly and speakers were spread out across the place so hearing wasn’t a problem at all. Furthermore the play Addams Family was very well done. It was all about the beloved daughter Wednesday falling in love with a normal boy and how this causes coffins full of chaos.

 The first act lasted an hour and then there was a break for 20-30 minutes and the second interval was around 45 minuted to an hour long. The stage was massive and had an outline of a house and the dark colours used had really set the atmosphere. There was lots of smoke and then the show began with an upbeat song. The Surbiton High orchestra had done fabulously and did a great job at emphasising every moment of this play. The choreography was immaculate and had featured all of Surbiton Highs school from the prep to seniors. Also all the singers had lovely voices which reached every corner of the theatre. The scenes were well spread out and the story was very engaging and kept everyone at the edge of their seats.

In conclusion, I believe Addams Family was an overall good play. It was funny, sad, romantic, and of course a little unexpected and scary. I believe this is a perfect way to spend the chilly November and really soak up the spookiness before having a very Mery Christmas!