Easter is a time for celebration for many people but not everyone celebrates it in the same way, in this article I hope to explore the different ways people celebrate this holiday.

 I asked people

‘How did you spend Easter break?’

Florence Quantrill said:

“On Easter Sunday I had an Easter egg hunt for my little sister. We then went to my aunties and had a bbq as it was really nice weather”

Poppy Davenport explained:

“On Easter Sunday I woke up and went downstairs and received my Eater eggs. We them went to church, after that, my grandparents came to my house and we went to a farmer’s market and saw lots of baby animals like sheep, it was very fun. Afterwards we went to my grandparents house and ate lots of food!”

Tara Nash spoke about her Easter:

“On the Friday I helped at mass by carrying the candles and on Saturday I went on a bike ride with my brother. I enjoyed my Easter”

Susannah Sturt said:

“I think that Easter is a time to celebrate and spend time with your family. That’s why I enjoyed this Easter with my family, making wonderful memories and having fun”

Many people celebrate Easter in very different ways and if you spent your Easter break at a sunny beach, doing Easter egg hunts or spending time with your family or doing something completely different I hope you had a great time. Everyone spend their Easter break differently and that is great as we can all catch up with our friends and find out how they spent their Easter.