As our government is currently caught up in the Brexit chaos, they fail to act upon helping the future generations prosper in their education. According to the School Cuts website run by the National Education Union, "91% of schools have had their per-pupil funding cut". I spoke to a member of staff from a primary school in London, who stated: "there are less adults around to support the children who need extra help so those needing support aren't getting it". As affirmed by the Department of Education, 15% of the pupil population have special educational needs. These funding cuts affect these children the worst as it means they cannot get the educational guidance they need and fall behind, which can result in teasing from other pupils. The opportunity to thrive in school is being taken away from them. These budget cuts mean there are larger classroom sizes so children do not receive as much individual attention, opportunities such as extra-curricular activities and school trips are taken away as there is not enough staff and money to run them, curriculum resources can no longer be paid for, schools have to cut contracts with speech and language therapists as well as other specialist mentors. Not just some students should be able to receive a good education, all of them should; in the crisis we are currently in this is just not possible. This is our future and we can't avoid the problem anymore. Our government needs to act now and act faster to fix the things people need. 

By Emma Vernon