With COVID-19 running rampant in our society, scientists are left defenceless against this malicious virus which threatens to destroy our society. Due to our weak frontline against this virus, the government has advised to stay home and only go out for food and exercise as infrequently as possible. School was cancelled; a break indefinitely extended, and our GCSES were cancelled. Teenagers were a crumpled mess; some ecstatic, some livid and all, completely terrified. We were already stressed from the actual exams; who knew we'd be even more stressed by their cancellation?


Lockdown has had the world locked in a tense chain jail, begigng to be released from the locks this virus has gleefully placed us in. We all complain about how we'll all escape as couch potatoes with at leats 10kg added onto our figures, but no-one anticipated the horror this lockdown would place our minds in. Boredom is eating us alive; Netflix and video games have sucked our souls for long enough, so most of us have become mindless creatures, lounging all day as we pray for the time to pass. A frightening 60% of people affected by the lockdown have reported negative effects on their mental health. Despite this, we're only focused on the number of people with confirmed cases and deaths from the virus; that also instills a woeful toll on our brains. 


Experts claim the best way to counteract the effects of isolation is to call your friends on the phone or engage with games with your household members, or even binge a new Netflix series with your friends on Netflix party. But even with this, we crave the outside world.

Where we could truly be called free.