According to government figures, there are 98,476 confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in the UK as of 16th April 2020. Imagine all of the cases having to be dealt with by the vulnerable frontline NHS staff who can potentially contract this virus. Today, ITV has dedicated a day to accentuate the hardworking frontline NHS staff. ITV plans to celebrate everyone playing a vital role to combat the virus whether it is porters and paramedics, cleaners and consultants, nurses or  doctors. Days like these are important to signify  the dedication of our NHS Staff. We have shown our appreciation whether it is through donations or clapping every Thursday at 8:00pm. To protect the NHS, we need to stay at home.


To stay safe we should:

  • Wash our hands frequently making each wash last for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your face, mouth, nose and eyes
  • Clean surfaces more regularly 
  • Maintain social distancing (1 metre)
  • Do not go outside if it is not necessary.

If we can do all these things, we will protect the NHS staff as well as combat the Coronavirus more efficiently. Ensure to stay safe and contact family and friends and remember, as Florence Nightingale said: 

"The craving for ‘the return of the day’, which the sick so constantly evince, is generally nothing but the desire for light."

By Terrell Thomas