For many it will be hard to remember the good things in the world as you can no longer go and explore it due to the coronavirus global pandemic. However, it is important to understand that during this difficult time we as a world nation are coming closer together and unifying by sharing much needed medical supplies to sending messages of encouragement and mourning between presidents and prime ministers.


There are many ways that people are getting involved by spreading positivity and fun in the community two. In the UK on a Thursday night there is the 8pm clap for key workers to show our appreciation for all the incredible work they do to protect and support us. This is a time when streets and neighbourhoods come together to talk and make sure everyone is doing alright unlike any other time in the week. Also, you may have seen videos of apartment blocks and flats in the UK and other countries come together and sing a song; showing community spirit and lifting everyone’s mood. There are also instances where musicians in apartment blocks in Italy and France have put on improved concerts and also personal trainers keeping everyone active on their balcony’s. This demonstrates that even though everyone is struggling it only takes one person to put some joy and energy into these sometimes boring days. 


Other ways people are getting involved is by raising money and volunteering to help key workers and organisations. This initiative is very much demonstrated by the inspiring work of Captain Tom Moore, a 99 year old ex soldier from WW2, who has raised over £25 million for NHS workers by walking 100 laps of his garden. This has also been followed by approximately 750,000 people volunteering to help the NHS. Furthermore, many singers and actors have held concerts on social media platforms and theatres have also streamed some Westend and broadway productions for a small fee to raise money for the fight against coronavirus. 


Finally, a natural consequence of the pandemic and quarantine is that out world seems to be healing itself and letting nature take over. In recent years climate change has been a big issue but coronavirus means many factories have been temporarily shut down, less electricity is being used and transport such as planes and cars aren’t being used as readily meaning that the climate seems to be better. Also, for the first time in many years the rivers in Venice have run clear with fish swimming in it and dolphins appeared in Italy’s waterways for the first time due to no human interference.


So, even though Covid-19  is a devastating virus that is extremely upsetting we need to remember that there is positives and that some day very soon we will meet again. 

Chloe Shields