As the coronavirus starts to have a bigger impact on the Uk citizens, the uk have decided to show their support for all the Key workers and people who work in health care by every Thursday at 8pm clapping their hands to show their support. Everyone on social media have started a tend where they run 5K and donate £5 to help the NHS and then nominate 5 more people. 

People all over the UK has contributed to help the key worker the nations P.E teacher Joe Wick has donated every single penny he has earnt to the NHs and keyworkers from his workout for kids and adults which help people who don’t have gardens to get the daily intact of exercise so people will stay fit and healthy. 

Another person who have raised money to help NHS staff and keyworkers is Captain Tom Moore who is a 99-year-old war veteran that walks around his garden to help to raise money for the  key workers. In total Captain Tom Moore has raised £29 million by walking 100 laps around d his garden 

Celebrities have come together to perform online  livestream concerts. It was called one world: together at home. This concert had over 21 million viewers and raised $127 million  globally to help charities for the coronavirus. 

By Grace Harris