This time has been a difficult time for anyone as everyone is stuck inside their houses people are finding it very difficult to cope and find things to do as they either have to teach themselves different topics and find a way to get the material they are used to at school to their houses, some school are using google classroom, zoom and Microsoft teams to communicate with their classes which makes learning even more effective as it is a way where people can contact their teachers about problems they are experiencing. 

Parents are having to become the teacher for children who are in primary school and even nursery which can make it very difficult if they don’t want to do the work, or if the teacher hasn’t set any work or even if both parents are working from home and don’t have time to teacher their children the material which can have an negative impact as the children aren’t getting the educated that is needed for their intellectual development to grow. 

What makes their critical period even more tense is that people aren’t allowed out to see their friends and other family members which means that there could be tension in households as everyone is always surrounding each other 24/7  which can potentially lead to arguing and people wanting a break from each other. This is the time where people can take up new hobbies or catch up with looking after themselves. People can find hobbies like painting, cooking, working on their skincare, fitness, gardening, reading and even trying puzzles. 

By Grace Harris