You may have heard of Royal Mail’s new campaign: #ThumbsUpForThePostie. It’s a similar idea to #ClapForOurCarers, but instead focuses on those working hard to bring us our deliveries. Inspired by this and The Twelve Days Of Christmas song, I have written a list of some of the interesting things that our postman has brought us since lockdown began.

12 bottles of wine

Obviously this one wasn’t mine. The 12 bottles of Côtes du Rhône were for my dad, even though he’s the only one in the house that drinks it.

Lots of birthday cards

Both my mum and my dad have birthdays in April, so we had a fair number of cards coming in.

100 wooden spoons

This was delivered for my mum for a catapult craft to send to her Guides group.

9 screwdrivers

A very thrilling parcel for my dad that he got for jobs around the house.

38 marbles

I got this to give to my dad as a birthday present after he shared a story about his memories of playing marbles as a child.

7 cables

This was multiple orders, from a 30m ethernet cable for my brother to an HDMI cable for me, we’ve somehow managed to order 7 in total.

16 sequin kits

This sequin daffodil craft kit was another delivery for my mum to send to her Guides.

50 bobbins

These sewing machine bobbins were bought by me because I was tired of swapping the thread on and off of my single bobbin while sewing my GCSE project. As I write this I realise that 50 might have been a few too many…

4 packs of Strepsils

This was for my brother after he picked up a cold that he swiftly gave to everyone else in the house.

3 monitors

With all four of us now working from home, between ourselves we’ve ordered 3 monitors.

2 Easter bags

This was sent by our lovely Auntie Michelle from Germany, filled with German goodies like Milka, Lindt, and Haribo.

1 fluffy jacket

The final item was a fluffy brown hooded jacket ordered by me from Hollister.

Thank you, Postie, and everyone working to deliver parcels, what would we do without you?

By Anabel Woodward, Notre Dame Senior School