As most people would now know, all public examinations are cancelled due to the deadly corona virus. It is such a shame for those who have worked incredibly hard in order to prepare for these life changing examinations by revising day and night. The fact that a new virus has come along to ruin these precious exams is not only frustrating but also very disappointing. 

 Everyone across the UK are going to be given their predicted grades for GCSEs and A-levels instead of taking part in the real exams. For some this may be a dream come true as their predicted grades could be quite high and something that they are satisfied with but on the  other hand for others it could be mortifying knowing that they could've done better in the real exam than what they have achieved in their past mocks. This could be because many students think that mocks are not as important as the real exams but in the worst-case scenario, like now mocks might as well be the most important examinations that students have done. This incident of the corona virus just goes to show and prove that every exam matters and that you should always have your guard up and not take these exams for granted as you never know what the future has to behold. 

A GCSE student says “ I definitely think I could've done better in my real exams than I did in my mocks and I'm just disappointed that I didn't have the opportunity to prove my myself in the actual exams and show what I'm actually capable of.” 

Overall, corona virus has had a significant impact on the world today and the cancellation of any exams or other effect that this virus has cause should not bring you down but instead inspire you to work even harder to the best of your ability and make sure that you have a positive growth mindset and be prepared for what’s to come. 

By Lavanya Manchikanti