Seaton road has had many paranormal activities throughout the years. Ranging from hearing people laugh to objects moving without the owner touching it.

The people in this road have had paranormal activities happen most minute and can easily explained but some things cant be explained by science like a shadow walking across the road and the second they blinked it disapeared. The resident of 5 seaton road has stated she saw the figure walking and then suddenlt dissapear she hasn’t seen it since.Was it real? The residence of 8 seaton road had said that “i have had many things happen but all of them could be explained and some things couldn’t be explainedso easily. Lights turned on where I switched them off,random tapping noises from the windows on the first floor, I had even had objects move from one room to another but no one had claimed to move them.It was weird and defenetly haunted”. She then procided to tell us a story of how she was paranoid of sleeping properly as she quoted the air seems a bit more damp and dangerous. The resident confirmed that she thinks that the street is haunted but to a specific point.

Many others on the street have concluded that the street has have had to have some sort of history, although many are sceptical that the road is actually haunted ,some people believe that “it’s a sighn from someone beyond our plain of existence”. The residence on the street disgress that its haunted or even any activity is happnening as they havent experinced anything quite so drastic. The simple things can be explained as forgetting that you did something or a member of the house moving an object without you knowing or them notifying them beforehand.

Is seaton road actually haunted, we may never know but we do know that even if it isnt some activities cannot be explained by science as it even defies the simple laws of it, was the shadow man real? It could be explained as simple lighting but was it really. Is seaton road as haunted as we seem to belive it is, who knows .

By Amelie Klein