The global pandemic has forced much of the world, including Great Britain, to go into Lockdown. This involves no physical contact with anyone other than immediate family; it is permissible to leave the house only for daily exercise, to go to the supermarket or for those who are key workers. 

As a result, this has led to millions of people stuck at home, having to adjust to a new, temporary way of life. Many would agree that this lifestyle is extremely tedious- especially in comparison to before. 

Nevertheless, people have found new ways to keep themselves inspired and entertained during these trying times. One of which can be seen scattered around the woods, on doorsteps and in windows; people have been painting stones, drawing colourful pictures and leaving messages around their local community. Many are intended to show support for the NHS and other’s to simply brighten someone's day. 

Communities have come together through these small acts of kindness, as described by Max Lorke, “ Seeing the rocks and artwork helps to boost morale and brings a smile to people’s faces who perhaps are struggling to see the light in these difficult times!”It is clear to see how a simple gesture can make such a great impact and bring people closer together.