Doctor Who is one of my Favourite TV series it is a classed as Science fiction and Drama as it is based on a man who is about 900 years old and travels in a mysterious blue police box called the Tardis and explores different galaxy’s, universes and planets at different points in time and years. These episodes include the doctor and his companion solving mysteries, investigating and fighting monsters to save people. This includes tension as the audience never knows what going to happen. Doctor who was originally a sci fi series but as the show progressed it included different genres like Drama and adventure as it has elements from those genres included. Doctor who includes repetition of the elements of sci fi as the same monster keeps reoccurring in the episode to show the audience that the monster is the disruption in the episode. This genre as shows conventions which is why it is classed as sci fi. Sci fi usually includes element from out of space that seem unreal and it usually involves monsters and aliens. 

This episode  is on Netflix and is part of season 4 with the main characters of David Tennant playing the 10th doctor and his faithful companion donna who is played by Catherine Tate and came out in 2008. There are also a lot of side characters involved in this episode and is based off an Agartha Christie novel called Death in the clouds but interpreted in their own way. 

The plot where the Doctor and Donna travel back in time to 1926 where Agartha Christie disappears for 10 days and they are on a mission to find out if it was really amnesia, a nervous breakdown or the giant alien wasp making her forget her memory.  The tardis arrives at a mansion where a party is going on. The doctor and donna fake their invitations using psychic paper so they can chat to the guests at the party. There was Lady Edison, who was married to Colonel Churlishly, their son, professor Peach, Robins Redmond, Reverend Golightly, Agatha Christie and Davenport.

The Doctor and Donna (his companion) explore the new world, this is where they understand the culture of the people in the 1920’s and they attempt to learn something new, this is due to them having drinks and getting to know each of the guests by chatting to them and Agatha Christie. Next some events spark the Doctor’s interest; however, this type of event isn’t life threatening so they both go and investigate, a professor peach is killed in the library when the party has just started, the Doctor finds some Morphic reduce and sends Donna to investigate upstairs of the mansion and he investigates downstairs with Agatha Christie. 

The Doctor and Donna investigate, this is when the doctor figures out whatever the event is and what is happening to them and he finally sorts things out. When the Doctor investigates, he finds out Lady Edison hosting the party was alone along time ago with a man in India where she fell in love with a young man and have an affair with him, she then found out he was an alien wasp (vespiform) but she ignores it, the man who was an alien wasp (vespiform) drowned during one of India’s Monsoons but he gave her a necklace and a child. Lady Edison was taken to bed for 6 months after she came back from India where she said she had malaria so her husband wouldn’t find out and soon later she gave her child up for adoption The doctor soon realises the necklace is an alien wasp telepathic recorder which allows her child to find her when she wears it. Then one of the guests who was at the party finds her mother and turns into the alien wasp, he then admits he wants the necklace and he also wants to take his mother’s title. Agartha Christie takes the necklace and throws it into the lake which then the wasp follows and then drowns.

Lastly the guest at the party return back to normally and forget everything, and Agatha Christie goes missing because her husband cheats on her with another women and 10 days later she turns up at a care home.  The Doctor and Donna get back into the Tardis and set of for another adventure.This is episode has a lot of binary opposites in this episode as we seen male vs female where the Doctor who is a male is travelling with a young female called Donna, there is also another binary opposite where the Doctor and Donna are investigating and fighting monsters which shows the binary opposite of good vs evil.

In my opinion i would recomend seeing the this episode as it has alot of drama and sci-fi elements combined making the show amazing and very compelling to watch. 

By Grace Harris