Although, there is so much excitement that comes with becoming a parent and having a baby, there are many risks to the child as a result of the parents’ ages. As both women and men get older, there are more mutations that occur in their body, these mutations may affect their ability to produce offspring or cause clinical conditions to their offspring when they produce offspring. Particularly, as women get older their eggs get older, eventually, their ovaries run out of functioning eggs and as a result woman go through menopause. However, in some cases women can produce offspring from their older eggs but with a risk of their child getting down syndrome due to chromosomal disorders. 


Studies have shown that mutations detected in children come from the father’s sperm, typically people who become fathers later in life have more mutations so tend to pass these on. Several of these mutations have no effect on offspring however a vast majority of children will be affected by these mutations. As a result, in some cases children are said to suffer from schizophrenia and/or autism. This could explain why there has been an increased rate of medical and clinical conditions in children. 


However, mutations aren’t always considered to be a bad thing. Mutations are where the foundation of diversity within the world lies, without mutations all human beings will simply look the same, with every different specie looking the exact same. The more diverse people are, there is a greater likelihood of people being able to survive a new biological threat which then could otherwise not be achieved without mutations. Arguing that parenthood at rising ages could be an advantage to the development of the world.