These are all very strange times for everyone, we haven't had to go through something like this and it's quite weird. Some things have changed drastically from shops closing, restaurants, theatres etc and to the new long ques outside shops. 
My big question is what will happen after lockdown? Will there be a new normal ? I don't think that life will just get straight back to the way is was but I think that a lot of things will change. It will all be very weird. I wonder if there will be new school layouts or work layouts. 
this virus is very advanced and quite dangerous so the chances of everythi going back to how they were are slim. I don't thing anything after this lockdown will be the same everything will have changed, there will be definitely a new normal 

what do you thing the new normal will be ? 
my biggest question is how they will handle with schools and how they will layout she school days or seating plans, it's all very interesting to see what changes will happen.