It has been a while since schools across the country closed due to COVID-19 and it hasn’t been easy for both adults and children. A lot of us are scared and worried about the future considering the constant change of time we are on lockdown for, which means all of us have to  try to get on with life even if it means being stuck inside for months on end. 


Many schools have set up online lessons for their students, posting assignments daily or weekly for their students to give them something to learn whilst stuck at home. For some students it feels as though it just isn’t enough and for others it is just too much, with this problem affecting almost every student it is becoming more difficult for teachers to decide how much work to give to make it just enough for all of their students.


This, however is not the biggest problem, the biggest problem seems to be access to these sources of learning as many students may not have computers or the resources they need to complete their work, this also includes printing, it is clear that not a lot of students have printers or access to ones making it increasingly difficult to print off worksheets or notes that they need for each individual subject and unfortunately this may be something that can’t be helped


Students across the nation are struggling and so are adults, when will this crisis end? And what will be done to ensure the needs of students around the globe have  been met? For now we will just have to hope the outbreak comes to a stop soon and stay safe till then.