Everybody has that one room in their house or flat which never gets touched; that one room where you can’t get the willpower to bin that sentimental pencil that you never use; the one-room where we all go. The room where we sleep.

During quarantine, I think it’s time to motivate ourselves to finally clean our bedrooms( which we have most likely been procrastinating over for days, months, or even years). Let’s face it no one is perfect and our rooms don’t have to be in tip-top shape 24/7, but it would be nice to make it to my bed without falling over clothing I had thrown on the floor, or tripped over my art supplies which are stashed in the corners of my room. Yes, we are going to declutter our rooms and rid them of all that junk and sentimental stuff that we won’t get rid of because we are too scared that we will regret it when we’re older. Yes, it would be nice to get older but only if I am not being strangled by scarves which I had tied at the top of my bedframe because I couldn’t find space anywhere else in my maze-like room!

Persisting through the pain and suffering is key because once you have finished giving items to family and bringing stuff to charity, your room will feel far less cramped. Also, you will be able to fully appreciate what you have in your room. However, if you are really going for a full makeover why don’t you take a leap and redecorate a wall: cut pictures out from magazines, give your artistic skills a go and paint it, hang pictures up, or even order a piece of furniture that will open up space in your room so you don’t have to stack your books up anymore on the floor.

Viewing your bedroom from a new, clean and actually visible point of view will make you feel a sense of achievement; when you feel this sense of achievement it gives you a warm tingle inside and I think that’s what we all need during this time: a feel-good feeling in order to keep spirits up and avoid boredom.

Necessity is the mother of invention ( so too is de-cluttering) Antonia Edgington