New Zealand has had a total of 2,186 cases. 

On the third of February, New Zealand banned entry of anyone from or via china, Anyone entering from China had to isolate for 14 days, to prevent potential infection. 

New Zealand's first case, however, came from Iran, which led to borders being closed from those travelling from South Korea, Northern Italy or Iran. 

Meanwhile, the UK introduced ‘lockdown regulations’ in late March, after over 2,000 cases were reported. 

New Zealand's first lockdown was the strictest in the world, and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said she would ‘make no apologies’.

A couple days later, she closed all borders almost completely, aiming for total elimination of the virus. 

On the other hand, the UK has never closed its borders, and only enforced mandatory self isolation in early June. 

Some may argue that borders being closed still is disruptive and unfair- many may need to see family or seek life saving treatment, but keeping travel limited has prevented what could have been millions of deaths and allows for normality and safety on a day to day basis in New Zealand. 

With quick and strict measures put into place, New Zealand is back to normal, and social gatherings are permitted. The population is living normally again, and one can wonder whether the decisons have been worth it.