As the festive season draws nearer, many towns and cities have been getting ready and decorating their town centres accordingly, Epsom included.


On November 24th, Epsom square was home to the Winter Family Festival, an event that featured the annual illuminating of the Christmas lights. In addition to that, the event run by Surrey County Council included enticing offers of hot drinks and tasty food, aswell as entertainment and fairground rides. So, in short, it was the perfect family event!


Despite the unfortunate weather, the event continued without issue or delay and possibly even added to the Winter atmosphere! Some of the amazing performances included a pantomime performance, a light dance performance, an act from the Laine theatre arts choir, Smoking Apples Performing Arbor, Ambition dance, vintage organ playing and more. The wide range of different forms of entertainment ensured that this was an event like no other and one that would be enjoyable for everyone.


When the time finally came after all of the amusements provided, the mayor of Epsom - Councillor Clive Woodbridge - got up on the stage and said a few words, talking about what a the various charities they were raising money for (such as Love My Mind) and encouraging "a big round of applause for all the people who worked so hard".


Then, counting down from ten, all those present awaited the Christmas lights on Epsom clock tower and the Christmas tree being turned on. After a final cheer, the festivities concluded and after an enjoyable evening, everyone headed home, all eagerly awaiting Christmas day in less than a month.